Coaching Resources


Coaching Model Directory

Need help finding one of the coaching pages? Try looking in this directory.

Assessments and Inventories

The following assessment tools will help both you and your coach better understand who you are and what you care about:

And during your coaching sessions the following inventories are available to help you understand yourself and make plans for improvement:

  • Self-Awareness
  • Social-Awareness
  • Academic
  • Job/Career

Does Life Coaching Work?

It is worthwhile to question whether life coaching yields positive results. There are many articles and texts with "evidence-based" accounts of its efficacy. Here is a very fair and balanced study, found on the National Center for Biotechnology Information website (here), published May 3, 2016. The title is, Comparing the Effectiveness of Individual Coaching, Self-Coaching, and Group Training. The key takeaways from the study are:

  • "As expected, individual coaching was the most effective intervention to facilitate participants’ goal attainment."
  • "Moreover, participants in the individual coaching and group training conditions reported significantly less procrastination compared to those in the control group."
  • "Regarding the reaction criteria, results revealed higher levels of satisfaction for participants in the individual coaching and group training conditions compared with the control group."
  • "Coaches’ transactional and transformational leadership behaviors contributed to coachees’ experience of autonomy support and intrinsic motivation, resulting in higher goal attainment and satisfaction."
  • "Our results on the relative effects on procrastination and goal attainment lend support to the view that individual coaching and group training are effective interventions for developing skills and changing behavior."

Overview of Defence Mechanisms

This article can help you identify the mechanisms that work (and don't work) for you: (Article).

Workaholism and Denial

The causes and costs of workaholism: (Article).

Video Directory

# Title Location on this website Type
1. Fake It Till You Make It - Ted Talk by Amy Cuddy Adopting a Positive Way of Being Ted Talk
2. How You Can Use Impostor Syndrome to Your Benefit - Ted Talk by Mike Cannon-Brookes Adopting a Positive Way of Being Ted Talk
3. Controlling Your Dopamine For Motivation, Focus and Satisfaction by Andrew Huberman Brain Chemistry Huberman
4. This is your mammal brain by Loretta Breuning Brain Chemistry Other
5. Dr. Anna Lembke: Understanding & Treating Addiction - by Andrew Huberman Brain Chemistry Huberman
6. Optimize and Control Your Brain Chemistry to Improve Health and Performance - by Andrew Huberman Brain Chemistry Huberman
7. If You Want to Achieve Your Goals, Don't Focus on Them - Ted Talk by Reggie Rivers Circle of Fulfillment - Achievement Ted Talk
8. How to Find the Work You Love - Ted Talk by Scott Dinsmore Circle of Fulfillment - Achievement Ted Talk
9. What They Don't Teach You About Career Fulfillment in School - Ted Talk by Ryan Clements Circle of Fulfillment - Fulfillment Ted Talk
10. Scott Adams' Secret of Success: Failure - Wall Street Journal interview with Scott Adams (creator of "Dilbert") Circle of Fulfillment - Goals Other
11. How to Achieve Your Most Ambitious Goals - Ted Talk by Stephen Duneier Circle of Fulfillment - Goals Ted Talk
12. The Science of Setting & Achieving Goals by Andrew Huberman Circle of Fulfillment - Goals Huberman
13. Master Your Sleep and Be More Alert When Awake by Andrew Huberman Circle of Fulfillment - Health Huberman
14. When the Body Says No - Caring for Ourselves While Caring for Others - Ted Talk by Dr. Gabor Maté Circle of Fulfillment - Health Maté
15. How to Live to Be 100+ - Ted Talk by Dan Buettner Circle of Fulfillment - Health Ted Talk
16. This Could Be Why You're Depressed or Anxious - Ted Talk by Johann Hari Circle of Fulfillment - Health Ted Talk
17. Enough is Enough: The Power of Your Inherent Value - Ted Talk by Meag-gan Ann O'Reilly, PhD Circle of Fulfillment - Health Ted Talk
18. Where Joy Hides and How to Find It - Ted Talk by Ingrid Fetell Lee Circle of Fulfillment - Joy, Vitality and Love Ted Talk
19. Unlock Your Inner Superhuman - Ted Talk by Hari Kalymnios Circle of Fulfillment - Joy, Vitality and Love Ted Talk
20. Love Others to Love Yourself - Ted Talk by Keiichiro Hirano Circle of Fulfillment - Joy, Vitality and Love Ted Talk
21. How To Have More Energy - Ted Talk by Sean Hall Circle of Fulfillment - Joy, Vitality and Love Ted Talk
22. There's More to Life Than Being Happy - Ted Talk by Emily Esfahani Smith Circle of Fulfillment - Meaning Ted Talk
23. Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance - Ted Talk by Angela Lee Duckworth Circle of Fulfillment - Passion Ted Talk
24. Stop Searching for Your Passion - Ted Talk by Terri Trespicio Circle of Fulfillment - Passion Ted Talk
25. A Life of Purpose - Ted Talk by Rick Warren Circle of Fulfillment - Purpose Ted Talk
26. What Trauma Taught Me About Resilience - Ted Talk by Charles Hunt Circle of Fulfillment - Resilience Ted Talk
27. Three Secrets of Resilient People - Ted Talk by Lucy Hone Circle of Fulfillment - Resilience Ted Talk
28. Who are you? Unleashing your Core Values - Ted Talk by Jennifer Jones Circle of Fulfillment - Values Ted Talk
29. Dr. Paul Conti: Therapy, Treating Trauma and Other Life Challenges by Andrew Huberman Connecting with Your Deeper Feelings Huberman
30. Dr. Alia Crum: Science of Mindsets for Health and Performance by Andrew Huberman Continuous Growth Mindset Huberman
31. Teaching a Growth Mindset by Carol Dweck Continuous Growth Mindset Other
32. Mindfulness: All It Takes Is 10 Mindful Minutes - Ted Talk by Andy Puddicombe Continuous Growth Mindset Ted Talk
33. Nature, Beauty, Gratitude - Ted Talk by Louis Schwartzberg Gratitude Ted Talk
34. The Science of Gratitude and How to Build a Gratitude Practice by Andrew Huberman Gratitude Huberman
35. Trauma, Healing and The Brain: Community Learning Event by Dr. Gabor Maté Healing Maté
36. The Body's Most Fascinating Organ: the Brain - Edison Talk by Bruce Perry Healing Edison Talk
37. On Healing and Forgiveness - Ted Talk by Dolph Lundgren Improving Your Relationship with Yourself and Others Ted Talk
38. A Universal Language That Describes What’s Best in Us - Ted Talk by Ryan Niemiec Leveraging Your Strengths Ted Talk
39. Neurodiversity – The Key That Unlocked My World - Ted Talk by Elisabeth Wiklander Neurodiversity Ted Talk
40. Making ADHD Your Superpower - Ted Talk by George Cicci Neurodiversity Ted Talk
41. The Three Components of Self-Compassion - Ted Talk by Kristin Neff Optimizing Your Self-Concept Ted Talk
42. Self-Love, be Intentional - Ted Talk by Caitlyn Roux Optimizing Your Self-Concept Ted Talk
43. Good Boundaries Free You - Ted Talk by Sarri Gilman Optimizing Your Self-Concept Ted Talk
44. Learning How to Learn - Ted Talk by Barbara Oakley Developing Strategies Ted Talk
45. The Body's Most Fascinating Organ: the Brain - Ted Talk by Bruce Perry Developing Strategies Ted Talk
46. Self-Transcendence and Passion for our Optimal Future - Ted Talk by Brian Westerman Realizing Your Full Potential Ted Talk


Adverse Childhood Experiences Study

Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) have a tremendous impact on future mental health, physical health, and opportunity.

The three types of ACEs include:

  • Abuse
    • Physical
    • Emotional
    • Sexual
  • Neglect
    • Physical
    • Emotional
  • Household dysfunction
    • Mental illness
    • Incarcerated relative
    • Mother treated violently
    • Substance abuse
    • Divorce

How many of these adverse experiences did you have?

Adverse Childhood Experiences determine the likelihood of the ten most common causes of death in the United States.

The top 10 Risk Factors are smoking, severe obesity, physical inactivity, depression, suicide attempt, alcoholism, illicit drug use, injected drug use, 50+ sexual partners, and a history of STDs.

With an ACE Score of 0, the majority of adults have few, if any, risk factors for these diseases.

However, with an ACE Score of 4 or more, the majority of adults have multiple risk factors for these diseases or the diseases themselves.

Source: Administration for Children and Families -
Image Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention